Bed Bug Treatment

Bed Bug Pest Control in Wisconsin

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Why Prompt Bed Bug Removal Is a Must

If your home is suffering from a bed bug infestation, it's important to act quickly. Bed bugs reproduce rapidly and can spread to other areas of the home if left untreated. Prompt removal is also vital because bed bug bites can cause allergic reactions in some individuals, as well as leave you with an unpleasant feeling of being bitten. Heat bed bug treatment offers fast relief by killing bed bugs on contact and eliminating their source of food. This helps to control the spread of bed bugs and, in turn, reduces the cost of extermination.

We Offer 3 Different Treatment Options to Eliminate Bed Bugs Safely and Efficiently


Heat Bed Bug Treatments

One-day heat bed bug treatment is available from our company, allowing you to sleep in your bed the following night without any issues! Our heat treatment is designed to stop bed bugs in their tracks.

Spray bottle

Aprehend® Bed Bug Treatment

Your home may benefit from the use of our Aprehend® bed bug pest control treatment, designed to act as a natural biopesticide and ideal for large-scale infestations or hoarder homes.

Pillow and Sheet

Traditional Bed Bug Insecticide Treatments

Our conventional (or traditional) bed bug insecticide treatment is also an option for homeowners and property management companies. This type of bed bug pest control is a more traditional chemical option designed for minor infestations.

Contact Bed Bugs Be Gone Now

Bed Bugs Be Gone in Wisconsin has the bed bug pest control treatment options you need to once again feel safe lying down and sleeping in your own home. With over 10 years of experience, financing options, and licensure by the state of Wisconsin for Aprehend® extermination, our company can help you live well every day. Contact our licensed, bonded, and insured heat bed bug treatment company now to get started!

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Benefits of Heat Treatment

Heat bed bug treatment offers many benefits when compared to other methods of pest control. The first is that this method is non-toxic, meaning that hazardous chemicals aren't used to get rid of bed bugs. This makes it an ideal solution for those with allergies, asthma, or other health concerns. Additionally, heat treatment is eco-friendly and doesn't require the use of pesticides.

Heat bed bug treatment also eliminates the need for multiple treatments that chemical methods may require. The extreme heat ensures that bed bugs are killed in all stages of life, eliminating the need for multiple visits and saving you money on the cost of extermination. Additionally, this method doesn't leave behind any unpleasant odors or hazardous residue like chemical treatments may. If you’re facing a bed bug infestation in your home, heat bed bug treatment may be the right solution for you! Get in touch with our team of Milwaukee pest control experts to get started today.

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Benefits of Aprehend® Treatment

Aprehend® is a safe and effective bed bug treatment option that offers long-lasting protection against further infestations. It's low-odor, non-staining, and offered at an affordable cost relative to other bed bug treatments on the market. Furthermore, this product is easy to apply — simply spray the affected area and let it dry. In addition to its cost-effectiveness, this bed bug removal treatment can be used in conjunction with other methods for an even more comprehensive approach to treating bed bugs. It is also safe to use around pets, making it ideal for residential homes and commercial businesses alike.

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Conventional Chemical Bed Bug Treatment

Minor bed bug infestations or minor bed bug issues can easily be solved without a traditional Bed Bugs Be Gone treatment plan. Designed to function as a “spot check” and to ensure bed bugs don’t bother you on a daily basis, our liquid, water-based insecticide treatment is designed to provide the result you need. Without leaving any stains on your furniture, and leaving no visible residue, this conventional treatment is perfect for adding to your existing preventive plan. Consider this option if your infestation is centralized in one area or is otherwise smaller in nature.

View Our Treatment Options

Bed Bugs Be Gone Now

Phone: (262) 395-7835


Open Hours: Mon-Sat 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Business Address: PO BOX 242 Somer, WI 53171