
Bed Bug Pest Control in Wisconsin

Bed bugs have become an ever-growing problem in residential and commercial properties across the country. These small, reddish-brown parasites are capable of causing immense distress to people, due to their ability to spread quickly and live undetected for a long time. Bed bugs feed on human blood and can cause itchy bites on exposed skin as well as trigger allergies. To counteract the spread of bed bugs, our team at Bed Bugs Be Gone Now uses a revolutionary new pest control spray — Aprehend®. This innovative product provides an effective, long-term solution to treat and protect against bed bug infestations. Learn more and get in touch with our team to get a quote for your bed bug pest control services in Milwaukee today!

Inside This Bed Bug Pest Control Treatment Option

Heat bed bug treatment may not be the best option for all our clients, which is why Bed Bugs Be Gone offers several different options. Our bed bug pest control company may recommend the use of Aprehend® depending on how major your specific infestation is and how many rooms have been overrun with bed bugs. The use of this type of bed bug pest control measure is typically ideal for extreme situations, such as when an entire home needs bed bug pest control. It has been used in many residential and commercial settings across the United States since it was first released, with excellent results. Learn more about this option from Bed Bugs Be Gone and contact us to schedule your service.

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What Aprehend® Involves & How it Treats Bed Bug Infestations

Aprehend® is a natural biopesticide that is designed to get rid of bed bugs, similar to heat bed bug treatments. This spray is designed to release fungal spores that are designed to kill bed bugs at all life stages — from eggs to fully-grown specimens — and can be applied to a number of areas around the home. After the spray releases the fungal spores, they begin to germinate within 20 hours. It works by penetrating the bed bug’s exoskeleton and then proceeds to completely destroy it within 10 to 14 days of contact. This long-term solution is excellent for bed bug pest control and for preventing future infestations. Get in touch with Bed Bugs Be Gone to learn more about if this option is right for your living space.

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Benefits of Aprehend®

Aprehend® is a safe and effective bed bug treatment option that offers long-lasting protection against further infestations. It's low-odor, non-staining, and offered at an affordable cost relative to other bed bug treatments on the market. Furthermore, this product is easy to apply — simply spray the affected area and let it dry. In addition to its cost-effectiveness, this bed bug removal treatment can be used in conjunction with other methods for an even more comprehensive approach to treating bed bugs. It is also safe to use around pets, making it ideal for residential homes and commercial businesses alike.

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Environmental Safety of Aprehend®

Though Aprehend® is easy to apply, it's important that the product is applied by trained professionals. Bed Bugs Be Gone Now uses certified applicators who have been trained and certified in applying this spray safely and effectively. This way, you can be sure that your property is protected against bed bugs without having to worry about potential risks or dangers associated with improper application. Additionally, we offer free inspections and follow-up treatments to ensure that your home or business is bed bug-free for good.

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Why Have a Professional Apply Aprehend®?

Though Aprehend® is easy to apply, it's important that the product is applied by trained professionals. Bed Bugs Be Gone Now uses certified applicators who have been trained and certified in applying this spray safely and effectively. This way, you can be sure that your property is protected against bed bugs without having to worry about potential risks or dangers associated with improper application. Additionally, we offer free inspections and follow-up treatments to ensure that your home or business is bed bug-free for good.

How to Know If Aprehend® Is Right for You

Aprehend® is a highly effective bed bug treatment option, but it may not be right for every situation. If you think that your property might be infested with bed bugs, the best way to find out is to contact our team at Bed Bugs Be Gone Now and get a free inspection. Our knowledgeable technicians can assess the severity of the problem and recommend the best bed bug treatment option for your particular situation. We also offer other pest control services to ensure that your property is fully protected from various pests. Get in touch with us today and get started on eliminating bed bugs from your home or business once and for all!

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Why Choose Bed Bugs Be Gone Now

At Bed Bugs Be Gone Now, we have more than 10 years of experience in bed bug pest control services. Our team is trained and certified in applying the Aprehend® spray safely and effectively. We offer free inspections and follow-up treatments to ensure that your home or business is bed bug-free for good. Additionally, our team is knowledgeable about the best practices of pest control and can provide helpful tips on how to prevent future infestations. We know how frustrating and time-consuming it can be to deal with bed bug infestations, so we make sure to provide efficient and effective solutions that will get rid of bed bugs as quickly as possible. Get in touch with our team of Milwaukee pest control professionals to get your quote today!

Bed bug infestations can be a nightmare for homeowners and business owners alike. At Bed Bugs Be Gone Now, we use the natural biopesticide Aprehend® to provide safe and effective bed bug treatment solutions. Not only is this product environmentally friendly, but it also offers long-lasting protection against future infestations. Our certified applicators are trained in applying the spray safely and effectively, so you can rest assured that your property will be protected from bed bugs for good. We understand how frustrating it can be to treat your home for bed bugs only to have them return, and that’s why we use tried-and-true methods with proven effectiveness. Contact our team today to learn more about how Aprehend® can help rid your property of bed bugs or get a quote for your Milwaukee property today!

Schedule Your Service With Bed Bugs Be Gone

With both residential and commercial industry applications, our bed bug pest control options are perfect for clients who have small-scale or large-scale infestations. Our company provides affordable and high-quality results as well as financial options so everyone we serve can sleep comfortably. With over 10 years of experience in the field, our licensed, bonded, and insured bed bug extermination company can help.

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